This is a testimonial for Regent Personnel Ltd. in general but Michelle Edwards, a director of the company, in particular. She recently helped me secure a position as a consultant Psychiatrist in Auckland New Zealand where I am currently happily employed.
Michelle was very proactive by emailing me close to my retirement from the NHS eliciting interest in working abroad for a locum or permanent position. She then followed up by calling a few months into my retirement to talk about my interest and the various available opportunities in New Zealand. Once I decided to avail the opportunity, she worked tirelessly to connect me to available positions. She provided information, both via phone and emails and provided advice, guidance and all other support to make the process smooth and trouble free. Even when I was out of the country for an extended period, she kept in touch via email. She arranged telephone consultations and interviews and once the job was finalized, helped me with registration with New Zealand Medical Council, Immigration and various other procedural issues around starting to work in New Zealand. She was always available and handled all my concerns, queries and worries with aplomb and her typical optimistic swagger! She obviously knows her job inside out but more importantly, has a personal connection with the personnel at New Zealand Hospitals, Medical Council and other essential personnel that one needs for the completion of the process.
I have no hesitation in recommending her very highly to any doctor seeking locum or permanent employment in New Zealand. As an aside, although I have been here only a few weeks, I can also highly recommend New Zealand for the work life balance it offers and for its wondrous beauty and generous people.
Vijay Kumar
Consultant Psychiatrist,
KOROPIKO Old Peoples Community Mental Health, East Team,